Co-Creator of the Show Boys Podcast. Philosopher. LEGO. Gamer. Stonks. Maps. Geography. Star Wars. Nerd. Music. WordSmith. Do-er of too many hobbies.

Co-Creator of the Show Boys Podcast, ferocious beard wearer and husband of a famous Instagramer. Avid gamer, musician and fan of film. Fanboy of most, he lives to enjoy creative content and talk about it with anyone who will listen.

Newest member of Show Boys as a Co-Host. Passionate nerd, King of the North, self-proclaimed video game expert and lover of all things most would be embarrassed to admit.

Content Contributor to the Show Boys Podcast. Enthusiast of both DC and Marvel Comic books. Crypto and Blockchain researcher. Loves whiskey and firearms. Will not hesitate to tell you that both ghosts and aliens exist. Hairy….like animal.